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Our Focus, Mission, Vision, Commitment and Beliefs

Our Focus

  1. Student Learning
    1. Collective Efficacy: When a team of individuals share the belief that through their unified efforts they can overcome challenges and produce intended results, groups are more effective. 
    2. Teacher Clarity
    3. Tier 1 Instruction
    4. Classroom Management
    5. Student Self-Assessment and Reflection
  2. One year's growth in one year's time for all students.
  3. We will reduce the percentage of students who leave our school with credit deficiencies.
  4. All students will know, everyday, they are ours, they are loved and we believe in who they are and who they will become.


  •  Our mission is to help our students develop the knowledge and skills needed to succeed, whatever path they may choose.


  • Our vision is that our kids will grow up to be happy, healthy, fearless members of a global society.


  • Our commitment is to ensure that we are on the cutting edge of best practices in middle level education to ensure our students have every opportunity for success.

Belief Statements

We believe each and every student has the desire and ability to be successful.

We believe school must create an engaging, relevant and rigorous environment where students feel safe to take appropriate risks.

We believe in opening doors of opportunity for each and every student.

We believe implementation of middle level best practices will improve the performance of our students.

We believe in learning as the constant with time and support the variables

We believe literacy is learned and best taught across the curriculum.

We believe the spirit of collaboration improves student achievement.

We believe families must be included as an integral part of the school community.